Sydney City 3:30am
I was there!!!
The opportunity came up the weekend before last, and even though I am one of those "I hate my body" types, I just got straight online and signed up. Woo knows why? I still have no idea where that confidence came from ;o)
Tried to convince E, my
bestie, and the boyfriend but to no avail. Until last week E emailed me and told me she had signed up. Saw him on the news and thought "why not?". Oh, I love her =)
So, leave application form in, 4 hours sleep on Sunday night, and off to E's house at 1:45am to pick her up and head on in to the city.
Myself and E before the 1st installation
I won't lie to you, the decision on to wax, or not to wax was pretty hard.... but I figured I didn't want to show EVERYTHING, so I left it..... as well as the makeup as you can see!!!
Everyone waiting outside before it begins - 3:30amWe got there early, and with another 500 people or so, waited around until we were told we could start to head on in to the area.... As we were in the first group of people, we were given a ticket for the installation inside the Opera House... unfortunately we were unable to do it as E had to get to work later =(
ticket for installation inside the Opera House
I may have kept the ticket as a memento.. we were supposed to give it to someone else. Whoops! But with more than double the amount of people there than they were expecting, I'm sure someone was more than happy to take my place =)
first lot of people - waiting to be told what to do
I was
surprised at the fact that I was not nervous - at all. Not one iota. Not the night before, that morning, on the way, or even waiting. You would think once I saw the amount of people I would be. Nope!
"The Garden" - where we were moved to to wait -and keep our clothesThen, before you know it, we were told to take the clothes off, and make our way over to the Opera House steps. There was no time to be nervous - one look around and everyone was stripping off. So did i!
We were the first group to make our way over to the steps.... the other group, waiting right near the steps (still fully clothed.... ) started cheering us, and as you do, I started pumping my hands into the air and whooping. Why not? =) Walked past the media, and we all waved at them. Waved at the pervs on their balcony directly across from the Opera House out there with their binoculars (he left and ended back on his balcony with a friend....) Waved at the helicopters that just stayed for the whole time...
Then we were told where to stand, and we waited for the other group. And then the sun.
And the rest, I'm sure, you have seen on the news.
All in all, I feel completely liberated. It was so wonderful to see people of all ages, shapes, sizes, ethnicity and sexes and sexuality come together for art. We all want to be a part of history, and the enthusiasm showed. It wasn't sexual..... it was natural, artistic... to quote a participant from yesterday - it was tribal.
I'm not the biggest fan of my body -it's taken 28 years to not hate it. But I think I've come pretty far, being able to look at myself in the mirror, and well, have sex with the lights on (ha ha, sorry ladies). But this? This was a big thing..... getting naked in front of your boyfriend is one thing. 5000 others? James Mathieson?
Which leads me to my public apology.... James.
I am so so sorry. Once E pointed you out to me, I don't know what came over me. I had to have a look. I couldn't help myself! I have no excuses, other than I've loved you since the $20 challenge......
But, hey, you should be proud. It was cold, and well.... you did well. Sorry to the guy next to you who also thought I was trying to check him out....
But for once I took my own advice - fake that confidence baby!!
Did any of you go??