Happy Anzac day long weekend!
Just wanted to let you all know about the Message to the troops event that Telstra are doing - http://anzacday.telstra.com/event (and no, I'm not affiliated at all ;o) )
It takes 30 seconds to type your message and have it sent off.
I've sent off a couple already, and plan on heading back there again =)
I'm sure they all appreciate the messages of support - because it's all about supporting them I don't care what you think about "the war" (and don't even get me started - I'm an Army family), and the government, you have to support our troops. Because they are what makes this country truly wonderful. And I know that it made me comforted to know that when my father was overseas, that people supported him, and cared.
They make us proud to live in the best country in the world. Australia.
So, no pressure at all..... GO NOW!
I think we're off to the dawn service somewhere close tomorrow morning.... it should be nice I think. Foggy and what not. we'll see if I can get some decent pictures....
Which reminds me. I have my review of Paul Dempsey's gig at the Metro last Sunday to put up. And my trip to the Art gallery. We finally went people! Oh, the purchases!
Alright, cup of tea time, and time for a revamp!