And off to the National Art Gallery we went!
We ended up going to the "Masterpieces from Paris" exhibition on it's last day - talk about cutting it fine! We left at 5:30 in the morning and made it there at about 10am, including a little break. As you can see from above, it was a glorious morning. We got to see kangaroos on the way there, and even a little echidna on the side of the road on the way back. Love it!

While waiting for the 11am to get closer, we decided to park somewhere and have a walk and look around. Such a cute little area. I should have brought bread for the ducks!

Time to head towards the line - but not before we take a quick stroll around the NGA grounds. The colours this autumn are just absolutely amazing. It makes me wish I could sew, or was arty in some way. There's so much inspiration to be had!

A quick look at the Stainless Steel Ball sculpture - we had to. It's what the boy does for work ;o) - and a pic in the reflective surface, and we're off!

Now, alas no pics were allowed in the actual rooms with the paintings - there were guards in each room - and I was told off
twice for "getting too close to the paintings". I was trying to point out the detail people! Sheesh!

I then went and spent a fortune in the NGA shop and picked up everything that I could see. There wasn't much available, as it was the last day, but I grabbed the last "Starry Night" pic and a couple of awesome Lever Arch binders with a Monet painting on the binder. Score!

Then off home, as I had only had 3 hours sleep the night before - Paul Dempsey concert in the city. Crazy, no?

Don't you just love the colours? Canberra, you're stunning.
Such a great day, can't wait to go back again. From my childhood, I recall the markets are awesome.