Sunday, March 6, 2011

The Outnet prize - Sara Berman Bag =)

As the total twitter addict I am, when I stumbled across a tweet from the outnet telling me that I could win a Sara Berman bag by retweeting something, of course I did it.

To be completely honest, I forgot all about it, until I came home after my surprise trip to the beautiful Mt Tomah Botanical Gardens, and had a DM from the outnet telling me I had won!! I never win anything! For once, I was truly speechless.

Uber excited, I sent off my details, and today - not even a week after confirming all of my details, it arrived.

Beautifully wrapped


Soft fabric-y sides

Fold over, so it can be one long, large bag, or you add a long strap and it's smaller =)

This is the pattern on the bag when not folded over, but only through one part of the bag. Love!

I couldn't be happier. It's absolutely gorgeous. Thank you The Outnet!!! =)

Now I can really say that Twitter is totally worth it to the people who roll their eyes at me. It's brilliant!

Go forth, retweet on comps people! Good luck to you all! =)

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